February 3, 2023

Helpful Open House Checklist For Sellers And Agents.

Inter Properties Chicago - Open House checklist,Open house,real estate

Putting a property on the housing market and being able to sell it is undoubtedly a big deal.

As competitive as the real estate market is today, there are always new strategies sellers and investors try when trying to sell their properties at a higher price and diversify their portfolios accordingly.

Among many other sales and marketing solutions, landlords often rely on open houses to connect with potential buyers, look at their response towards the property, negotiate deals, and even close them if the odds are in their favor.

However, organizing an open house for a luxury real estate property requires substantial effort and management.

Here’s an open house checklist of things to remember to maximize visibility.

Impressive Curb Appeal

When they arrive at an open house, the first thing most home viewers are likely to look antis the property’s exterior. Keeping the exterior and overall curb appeal in mind when creating a remarkable first impression is essential. Therefore, adding some wall hangings, entryway decor, plants, flowers, and other outdoor decor elements to your house’s exteriors will instantly catch people’s eyes, allowing them to take more interest in your property. 

Minimal Yet Impactful Home Staging

Another essential step that’ll make a significant difference to your house’s open house is the use of staging services. Staging a house will give every visitor a more practical outlook on their lifestyle if they choose to buy your property.

Consider minimal home staging before the open house to attract visitors as much as possible. Add some cozy furniture, metal finishes, warm lighting, and indoor plants to create a homey atmosphere in the house. You can always consult your property manager on ideal staging techniques for further guidance.

Informational Brochures and Packets

When you’re hosting an open house, there’s a high chance you might not be able to adequately communicate all the critical aspects and amenities of a house to all visitors. The best way to convey information is by offering brochures that potential investors can skim through to learn about the property.

Furthermore, if there are some sales terms and conditions you’d like everyone to know, make sure you also offer printed copies of informational packets at your open house.

Inter Properties Chicago - Open House checklist,Open house,real estate

Don’t Forget Food and Drinks

Remember to make your open house memorable for all by offering snacks and drinks for guests. Work with your local caterer to determine the menu for your open house and book their services accordingly.

Here are the top ten ways to effectively advertise an open house, whether you are a seller or an agent.

  1. Utilize social media platforms: Share information about the open house on popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  2. List the open house on real estate websites: Many popular real estate websites have features that allow you to list open houses, including Zillow, Redfin, and Realtor.com.
  3. Create a property website: Design a website specifically for the property, including photos and information about the open house.
  4. Use email marketing: Reach out to your past clients and potential buyers with information about the open house through email.
  5. Utilize local newspapers and magazines: Place an advertisement in the local newspapers and magazines to reach a wider audience.
  6. Partner with local businesses: Consider partnering with local businesses to cross-promote the open house.
  7. Take advantage of online advertising: Utilize online advertising options, such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads, to reach a wider audience.
  8. Place directional signs: Place signs near the property and at critical intersections to guide potential buyers to the open house.
  9. Host a virtual open house: Use video conferencing technology to host a virtual open house for those unable to attend in person.
  10. Work with a real estate agent: Partner with a real estate agent with a proven track record of successful open house promotions. They can assist with all aspects of advertising the open house.

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